
Our projects

Jephis Foundation is involved in numerous projects.

Jephis Foundation offers a range of programs to promote children’s health and well-being. Our nutrition program provides education and resources on healthy eating habits and food choices. Our physical activity program promotes regular exercise and provides opportunities for children to participate in sports and other physical activities. Finally, our mental health program promotes positive mental health and provides resources and support for children and youth struggling with mental health issues.

Environmental Education

Environmental education enables children and youth to develop an understanding and appreciation for the natural world. This can promote positive mental health and well-being by motivating children to spend time in nature and create a sense of connection to the environment.

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is an approach to education that helps children and youth develop social and emotional skills. These skills include self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and interpersonal skills. SEL can help children develop a positive self-image, build healthy relationships, and manage stress and anxiety.

Health Education

We provide children and youth with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed health decisions. Topics covered in health education can include nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and safety. By providing children with accurate and up-to-date information, they can make informed choices about their health and well-being.

Physical Education

Physical education helps youths develop physical skills, improve their fitness, and promote healthy habits. Physical education classes can provide children with opportunities to participate in sports and physical activities and can help them develop a lifelong love of physical activity.

Want to make a difference?

Please help us raise money for our children and youth in need.